
Saturday, 9 June 2018

Hindi Scanlation: Post 5- Devi Issue 3 [Virgin Comics] _ Translated from English to Hindi

Hello all,

I am back with one more issue of Shekhar Kapoor's 'Devi' completely translated in Hindi. During its short period of run Virgin Comics gave us some really interesting characters and stories and Devi was probably the most loved series from Virgin Comics world. I've started translating this series for quite some time now, although the work is going on quite slow but i do hope I'll be able to translate all 10 issues of Devi's 1st story arc.

I hope you all  enjoy and appreciate it.

Don't forget to share your thoughts and comments with me.

Title / नाम: Devi issue 3 / देवी भाग 3
Publisher / प्रकाशक: Virgin Comics / वर्जिन कॉमिक्स
Series / शृंखला: Devi / देवी
Creator / निर्माता: Shekhar Kapur / शेखर कपूर
Original Language / मूल भाषा: English / अँग्रेजी
Translated Language / अनुवादित भाषा: Hindi / हिन्दी
Contributor/s / सहयोगी: Anand Kumar [Hindi Translator] / आनन्द कुमार [हिन्दी अनुवादक]

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Hindi Scanlation: Post 4- Krishna A Journey Within [Image Comics]_Translated from English to Hindi


I hope everyone is well and happy. Last month I had posted 3 comics under Project Scanlation'. This month too I've planned to post another 3 comics. But that depends if i can get a little more time from the hectic schedule i am going through these days. But yes. I'll post at least 2 translated comics that is final, as the work on that is done.

Today I've brought a big or i would say Mega comics completely translated from English to Hindi.
'Krishna: A Journey Within' is a big 194 pages comics, which was published by Image comics in 2012. My friend Archie bhai has sent this comics completely translated in Hindi, which was done by him and his friend Suraj Bansal back in 2013. The comics follows Lord Krishna's story from his birth to Mahabharata war. I hope you all will like this great attempt.
And again this is a 194 page comics, so you can understand how much hard work these people had to do for translating this. I hope you'' at least drop your word of appreciation in the comment.

One more request. The blog grows through only word of mouth and sharing at the social media by its visitors. I request you all to share it at various social media to help this blog increase its reach to more people.

Title / नाम : Kirshna- A Journey Within / कृष्ण- अन्तर्मन की यात्रा
Publisher / प्रकाशक : Image Comics / इमेज कॉमिक्स
Creator / निर्माता : Abhishek Singh / अभिषेक सिंह
Original Language / मूल भाषा : English / अँग्रेजी
Translated Language / अनुवादित भाषा : Hindi / हिन्दी
Contributor/s / सहयोगी: Archie Sharma & Suraj Bansal [Hindi Translation] / आर्ची शर्मा तथा सूरज बंसल [हिन्दी अनुवादक]


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Disclaimer: This is an honest attempt to provide various non Hindi language comics in Hindi language to this blog's readers so that Hindi reading people can enjoy various unavailable comics materials. We don't intend to print these comics or circulate in the market. To keep control on the unauthorised printing of these comics, all the comics here are provided only for the online reading purpose only. If still anyone thinks we are harming their business in anyway, then please contact at

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Hindi Scanlation: Post 3- Devi Issue 2 [Virgin Comics]_ Translated from English to Hindi

Hello visitors,

I hope you people have liked my attempt till now. As you might have already seen I've started on the Hindi translation of 'Devi' series from Virgin Comics. Created by Shekhar Kapur this is one of the most known and appreciated comics series which was published by Virgin Comics.
I've already posted the 1st comics of Devi Series translated in here.

Today I've brought the 2nd issue of Devi series in Hindi under my Project Scanlation.

Oh! and one more thing. Scanlation is a time taking work and i get very less time because of my job and other responsibilities, so i'll try to post 2 to 3 translated comics in a month to maintain the continuity.

Finally, enjoy the comics below and don't forget to share your thoughts about the same with met through your comments.

Title / नाम: Devi issue 2 / देवी भाग 2
Publisher / प्रकाशक: Virgin Comics / वर्जिन कॉमिक्स
Series / शृंखला: Devi / देवी
Creator / निर्माता: Shekhar Kapur / शेखर कपूर
Original Language / मूल भाषा: English / अँग्रेजी
Translated Language / अनुवादित भाषा: Hindi / हिन्दी
Contributor/s / सहयोगी: Anand Kumar [Hindi Translator] / आनन्द कुमार [हिन्दी अनुवादक]

Monday, 19 March 2018

Hindi Scanlation: Post 2- Taar The Rebel [Translated from German to Hindi]


Today is Prabhat Bhai's Bday. While starting this project scanlation he encouraged me a lot to continue this thought and also suggested me few comics/characters which i can consider for translation. One of his suggestion was Taar. A short lived but quite famous German comics series.

So today on his birthday as a gift to him I am posting the first comics of Taar completely translated in Hindi. 

This has taken a lot of work from multiple people. As the original comics is in German Language and no English translation if available of the same. Gaurav bhai has cleaned the bubbles to be filled. His wife and my Beloved Sister in law Anurika  has translated the whole comics from German to English [Hats off to her for supporting us in this time taking work], and later on I translated the same in Hindi and filled up the bubbles. I hope all the hard work has paid off.

There are still many comics in Taar series which can be translated. Hope to get the opinion of the blog visitors about it.

Title / नाम: Taar 'The Rebel' / तार 'एक विद्रोही'
Publisher / प्रकाशक: Dargaud / दरगौड
Series / शृंखला: Taar / तार
Original Language / मूल भाषा: German / जर्मन
Translated Language / अनुवादित भाषा: Hindi / हिन्दी
Contributor/s / सहयोगी: 
  • 'Witchy Witch Anurika' [German to English Translation] / जादूगरनी अनूरिका [जर्मन भाषा से अँग्रेजी में अनुवाद]
  •  'Gaurav The Devi' [Editing] / शैतान गौरव [सम्पादन]
  •  'Anand Kumar' [Hindi Translation] / आनन्द कुमार [हिन्दी अनुवाद]

If you'll like it, will try to post here English translation of the same too.

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Please share your thoughts and comments with us.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Hindi Scanlation: Post 1- Devi Issue 1 [Virgin Comics]_English to Hindi


Started this new blog for my project Scanlation, in which I'll provide you all the comics which are not available in Hindi and are translated from English or some other language to Hindi. In future some comics which are in Non-English language would also be attempted to be translated. 

Hope you all will like this attempt. Will continue the work depending upon the feedback from the visitors.

Title / नाम: Devi Issue 1 / देवी भाग 1
Publisher / प्रकाशक: Virgin Comics / वर्जिन कॉमिक्स
Series / शृंखला: Devi / देवी
Creator / निर्माता: Shekhar Kapoor / शेखर कपूर
Original Language / मूल भाषा: English: / अँग्रेजी
Translated Language / अनुवादित भाषा : Hindi / हिन्दी
Contributor/s / सहयोगी: Anand Kumar [Hindi Translator] / आनन्द कुमार [हिन्दी अनुवादक]

I hope you like this attempt. Do share your thoughts with me through comment option.